Books, books and more books

I got lots of reading in during maternity leave, thanks to a lot of night feeds and discovering how useful a backlit iPad is as a Kindle! And I'm looking forward to meeting some authors (and you, I hope!) at exciting events over the next few months. Next month I'm at the West Cork Literary Festival [...]

Upcoming events: Mary Robinson at the West Cork Literary Festival

I'm very excited to share the news that I will be interviewing Mary Robinson at the West Cork Literary Festival in July. The former President has written a book, Climate Justice, on the fight for climate justice by grassroots women around the world. It ties in very well with her podcast with Cobh comedian Maeve Higgins, [...]

Upcoming events

I love the opportunity to meet people at live events and I am lucky that I am asked to do a really wide range of events in different areas - corporate, environmental, social, political and, well, fun! Over the next couple of months I have some really exciting events coming up and I hope to meet [...]

Ian Bailey's life sentence

I spoke to Ian Bailey last week ahead of the launch of his poetry collection at Electric Picnic. I've thought a lot about Ian Bailey over the past couple of years - his various legal cases hit the news regularly - and I've wondered, as I'm sure everyone has, what the hell the truth is. We'll [...]

Pregnant pauses: Reflexology

Lying down in a dimly lit, pleasantly scented room while someone gently rubs your feet is something everyone should do at least once in their life, and if that happens to be during pregnancy, so much for the better. You may not be able to have a pedicure during your first trimester - some spas and [...]

Glorious food and a recession-free weekend

Driving into Dingle on Saturday Driving into Dingle on Saturday afternoon presented a sight to gladden the heart. The view on the drive is always a pleasure, but the exceptionally beautiful weather and an enormous, buzzing crowd roaming the streets made the food festival truly special. Having travelled from Cork after a busy week, [...]

2018-01-12T15:14:49+00:00 October 8th, 2012|Categories: Reviews|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |