Six years of RTE Today

I'm delighted to be back working with the RTE Today show for the sixth season. The show is a real credit to RTE Cork and provides enormous opportunities for new stories and faces. When I started working with the show, my previous TV experience was limited to newspaper reviews on current affairs shows like Tonight with [...]

Trysexuals to Love Island in 20 years

It’s been twenty years since viewers around the world gasped at the audacity of four New York women who weren’t afraid to talk about sex, vibrators and orgasms. They said aloud all the things that magazines like Cosmopolitan had been writing for years. And it made them a worldwide hit, for a market starved of television [...]

A special place in hell…

It was Madeleine Albright who said that there is a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other, but she forgot to mention the gigantic reservation in the underworld specially set aside for women who constantly criticise each other. Not a week goes by without a woman in the public eye being pilloried [...]

Can weddings be feminist?

On yesterday's RTE Today show (which you can watch at the link), I asked: Can weddings be feminist? So many of the traditional symbols around the big day are inherently patriarchal that it can be hard to see beyond them. A white dress symbolising virginity; a diamond ring to say you're taken; being 'given away' like [...]

2018-01-09T14:31:15+00:00 November 13th, 2013|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , |

TV & Tweeting

Gail as she appeared in 1978. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I had a chat with Dave Fanning and Declan Cashin on Saturday about watching TV while Tweeting; my friends came up with various words for this including Tveeting, Twatching, and a range of other rude words that I couldn't possibly write here. Whatever you want [...]

2013-03-26T15:24:48+00:00 March 26th, 2013|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , |

Today… yesterday

On Today, Thursday 31 January, we discussed what your position in the family says about you, among other things. I'm an only child, so that's always a topic of interest to me. We also had a chat about some new films that are coming out, and Cork Rebel Week. I'm all in favour! Have a look [...]

2013-02-01T13:00:53+00:00 February 1st, 2013|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , |

Mental health and how abuse victims find the reporting process

I was on Tonight with Vincent Browne on TV3 on Thursday evening. The main topics under discussion were Ireland's corporation tax rate and the Quinns being back in court, but I spoke at the end (from about 38 minutes) about climbing self-harm rates, the mental health budget and the difficulties sexual abuse victims have in reporting [...]

2013-01-26T11:37:31+00:00 January 26th, 2013|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

RTÉ Frontline

I was on RTÉ Frontline #rtefl as tweeters know it, last night, talking about the Presidency (from the audience). It was an interesting discussion but disappointing in that of the four candidates present, two won't be in the race after Sunday. I was quite impressed with Fergus Finlay. Full thoughts in this weeks editorial, [...]

2011-06-14T19:22:08+00:00 June 14th, 2011|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , , |