Second time round, pregnancy is a different ball game

A bit like Batman watching Gotham city, I spent much of September observing the movements of boats and planes around Cork Harbour. Batman might be nocturnal, but if they’d given the job to Catwoman she’d have worked it around pregnancy and new motherhood no problem - being awake night and day is part of the deal. [...]

Pregnant pauses: Reflexology

Lying down in a dimly lit, pleasantly scented room while someone gently rubs your feet is something everyone should do at least once in their life, and if that happens to be during pregnancy, so much for the better. You may not be able to have a pedicure during your first trimester - some spas and [...]

Pregnant Pauses: Massage

If, like me, you’re a fan of massage in general then you’ll find the first trimester of pregnancy frustrating, because as mentioned above, most spas will refuse to treat you while you’re at this delicate stage. You also need to find a specially trained therapist. If you’re used to a regular pummelling you’ll miss it in [...]

Pregnant Pauses: Get those feet up

Pregnant Pauses is a new, short, series on the blog. I've been trying to take the advice of people who call the first pregnancy 'the princess pregnancy', and get in as much pampering as possible! So if you're pregnant, have a friend or wife or colleague who is, and would like to treat them - here are [...]

Top therapy for cancer patients at Fota Over the weekend I had the pleasure of a visit to the Fota Island Resort Spa with my sister-in-law, my Mam, who is currently undergoing chemo and my mother-in-law, who's just finished radium. I'd been to the gorgeous spa at Fota before but had been unaware (until I was frantically searching for Christmas presents for them both and the very [...]

Pampering should make you feel like a baby

I hate the word pampering but I do love being pampered. This does not include often-misnamed treatments such as manicures, waxing and other forms of slow, awkward torture where you're trying to make conversation with someone who really needs to be concentrating on whatever bit of you needs work, and not asking you about the holiday [...]

2018-12-01T09:55:15+00:00 December 12th, 2015|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |