Living lightly in 2018

I wrote this at the end of December for the Herald and it's been just over three weeks...  How are we all doing on those resolutions? It’s the time of year when, for most of us, everything is full. Our bellies, our bins, our wardrobes and fridges are all heaving with things we needed, things we wanted, [...]

Buying Irish gifts – and a competition!

Every year I decide I am going to buy Irish, and most years I end up frantically running around British chain stores and just buying things because they are there and I know they'll "do". This year, for two reasons - more time at home with the small chap and less time in the city near [...]

Pregnant Pauses: Massage

If, like me, you’re a fan of massage in general then you’ll find the first trimester of pregnancy frustrating, because as mentioned above, most spas will refuse to treat you while you’re at this delicate stage. You also need to find a specially trained therapist. If you’re used to a regular pummelling you’ll miss it in [...]

Pregnant Pauses: Get those feet up

Pregnant Pauses is a new, short, series on the blog. I've been trying to take the advice of people who call the first pregnancy 'the princess pregnancy', and get in as much pampering as possible! So if you're pregnant, have a friend or wife or colleague who is, and would like to treat them - here are [...]

Allergic? Ditch the detergents and the antihistamines might follow…

If the fairytale character you’ve always identified with most is Sneezy, I can relate. Since childhood I’ve been one of those ‘allergic’ people, always bunged up with something, and usually inexplicably People who suffer from this kind of sensitivity generally do so in more than one way;  sneezing, eczema, asthma and various other issues [...]

Oil have some of that…

Alright, alright, forgive the atrocious pun. Years of writing headlines leave you permanently afflicted. I mentioned last week that I've very kindly been sent some Yogandha Body Oils to try. I'm a big fan of yoga as mentioned previously here, and while I'm not a products nut, I do like to smell nice! Lately it's been [...]

2018-12-01T09:55:47+00:00 August 23rd, 2015|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

R&R in a rural idyll

This isn't usually a lifestyle blog, but sometimes you have an experience you just have to share. January is always a grim sort of month, but when you're just finished a major project, you've been burning the candle at both ends fairly solidly for a year, and you suddenly find yourself exhausted and with a lot [...]

2018-12-01T09:56:35+00:00 January 25th, 2015|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |