Living lightly in 2018

I wrote this at the end of December for the Herald and it's been just over three weeks...  How are we all doing on those resolutions? It’s the time of year when, for most of us, everything is full. Our bellies, our bins, our wardrobes and fridges are all heaving with things we needed, things we wanted, [...]

There's a story behind every item you're wearing

Only a few things in life are universal. Birth, death, taxes, and clothes. You might not be interested in them; you may not spend much on them; but you wear them. And unless you’re a fashionista, or what might be unkindly termed a hippy, you probably haven’t thought much about where they come from. Whether they’re [...]

Who made your clothes?

We all like to own nice things, and for many of us clothes come top of the list. They say a lot about who we are, how we see ourselves, and, of course, they dictate how others see us. But what does our choice of clothing mean to the people who make it? Does paying €20 [...]