Plastic-free July: The verdict

It's been a busy month, made busier by my attempts to try and curb the amount of waste emanating from our small (ish) household of two adults, one baby and two small dogs. One of the reasons I decided to try the plastic-free July experiement was the mountains of stuff we were throwing out every week. [...]

Lunch al desko: Asian broccoli and cashew salad

Usually my instagram and Facebook feeds are full of pics, but I never put recipes up here. This one that I came across by total happenstance is well worth sharing though. I'm sitting, crunching happily at my desk and think you all need to know about this tasty salad that is cheap, cheerful and quick to [...]

2018-12-01T09:55:45+00:00 November 10th, 2015|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , |