Saying yes to consent classes When we glance back at years past there is always a moment that defines them in the public consciousness. A moment that ‘convulsed’ the country, and that was often a catalyst for an epic change of direction. In Ireland, over the past century, many of those moments have been focussed - almost to the [...]

Having our Catholic cake and eating it

Image from Geograph Ireland copyright John Salter When news broke over the weekend about a Catholic school manager scuppering promotions of one teacher for being Protestant and another for being an unmarried mother, nothing was less surprising than the outrage online. Who do these nuns think they are, cried social media commentators, outraged that [...]

"It's a disgrace"… or is it?

We had a call on the show today from Anne, who wanted to discuss emigration. Earlier on in the show, Jerry had been speaking to myself and PJ about the same topic. He maintained that emigrants should vote on Twitter and Facebook, because if they voted for Sinn Féin, SF would create a country they would [...]

2018-12-01T09:54:47+00:00 February 5th, 2016|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Critical debate

Reading about the Nyberg report into the banking collapse, I was struck by one of its main findings; that a lack of critical debate about the boom in Irish society led to a herd mentality. Teachers, particularly at third-level, have been clamouring for years at the way our education system encourages lemming-like behaviour. The [...]

2011-04-21T09:55:07+00:00 April 21st, 2011|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , |

Forget the Budget, here comes trouble

Take a deep breath. No doubt you too have been by turns furious, upset and depressed by the numbers hitting you in the face from Tuesday’s Budget. With all that’s happened, there have been a few reassurances we’ve been able to fall back on. Even in the darkest days we were comfortable in the [...]

2010-12-09T15:40:31+00:00 December 9th, 2010|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , |

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