Is there anything more terrifying than the prospect of a reunion? It’s one of those emails that fills you with dread… are you ready for your ten year college reunion? Am I heck. I was a joiner in college. I was the best gosh darn joiner you ever met. I was on the students’ union, joined about 40 clubs and societies, and generally made a [...]

Visiting emigrant friends is bittersweet

It was my first visit to London in three years. It was also the closest thing I’ve had to a reunion of my college class in nearly ten years, as so many of my classmates have ended up there. The week before, I’d visited a friend at home on his family’s farm. One of four kids, [...]

2013-09-07T18:42:32+00:00 September 7th, 2013|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , |

Public consumption

Students often get bad press, and with exams currently going on or in prospect in most colleges, they are having a tough enough time at the moment without doing it to themselves. But the utter stupidity of a Facebook page I came across this week proves that college culture creates an astounding ignorance of [...]

2011-05-12T10:15:28+00:00 May 12th, 2011|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |