Clean freaks freak me out

Sometimes I wonder if I’m living in a parallel universe and everyone else has it completely sorted except me. Because, you see, I must be one of the only people in the world who did not know you should wash and disinfect your toothbrush holder every three days. Apparently, all of you are washing your towels [...]

2018-04-04T18:00:04+00:00 April 4th, 2018|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Allergic? Ditch the detergents and the antihistamines might follow…

If the fairytale character you’ve always identified with most is Sneezy, I can relate. Since childhood I’ve been one of those ‘allergic’ people, always bunged up with something, and usually inexplicably People who suffer from this kind of sensitivity generally do so in more than one way;  sneezing, eczema, asthma and various other issues [...]