Professionalise créches and make them public

You judge a society by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens, and once again it seems we are failing. We’re one of the richest, happiest and most advanced countries in the world but we can not get care - of our children, our elderly, our sick or our people with disabilities - right. We leave [...]

2019-08-07T13:57:15+00:00 August 7th, 2019|Categories: Opinion, Personal, Print|Tags: , , , , , , |

Women and work… and Leo Varadkar

Leo Varadkar TD at a Fine Gael press conference during the 2011 General Election Campaign. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) A straw poll of friends and colleagues a recently revealed that many of the women I know are the primary – or the only – breadwinners in their families. The recession has caused a huge amount [...]

Sense from Michael Taft

With all the confusion about yesterday's ESRI report that did or did not find that 44% of families on the dole are better off than people who are working... some sense on it from Michael Taft. I couldn't agree more with his analysis - it's not too much social welfare that's the problem here. It's too [...]

2012-06-13T11:58:14+00:00 June 13th, 2012|Categories: Opinion|Tags: |

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