The zombie apocalypse is all around you

I’ve got some news for you. The zombie apocalypse is happening all around you. But until you’re infected, you don’t even know. Watch out for the signs. Irritability. Mismatched socks, or even shoes. Unbrushed hair. Vomit stained clothing. An inability to concentrate. An urge to seek out caffeine and high calorie food substances. And a vague, [...]

2019-03-07T20:36:40+00:00 March 7th, 2019|Categories: Personal, Print|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Breast is best but we need more support

Photo: Virginia Thomas It’s National Breastfeeding Week, one of those annual public health campaigns that bypasses you completely unless it impacts you directly. I was all about breastfeeding, when I was pregnant. I did the prep course in my local hospital (in which the nurse told us dads might be able to light the [...]