Plastic-free July: The verdict

It's been a busy month, made busier by my attempts to try and curb the amount of waste emanating from our small (ish) household of two adults, one baby and two small dogs. One of the reasons I decided to try the plastic-free July experiement was the mountains of stuff we were throwing out every week. [...]

Buying Irish gifts – and a competition!

Every year I decide I am going to buy Irish, and most years I end up frantically running around British chain stores and just buying things because they are there and I know they'll "do". This year, for two reasons - more time at home with the small chap and less time in the city near [...]

Allergic? Ditch the detergents and the antihistamines might follow…

If the fairytale character you’ve always identified with most is Sneezy, I can relate. Since childhood I’ve been one of those ‘allergic’ people, always bunged up with something, and usually inexplicably People who suffer from this kind of sensitivity generally do so in more than one way;  sneezing, eczema, asthma and various other issues [...]

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