Lunch al desko: Greek meatballs with homemade flatbreads

Nothing about this one sounds easy but it's surprisingly simple. Since going dairy free I've been craving cheese. This mince was originally bought for something Italian - spaghetti and meatballs or lasagne - but none of those things work without a good sprinkling of parmesan or some sharp cheddar. So, I decided to go Greek. Yes, [...]

Tea time

I've never really been able to bake. I'm a cook in the careless, "let's see what happens" sense of the word, and that doesn't really suit baking. Baking is all about precision, timing and patience. Not my strengths. But since I got Lilly Higgins' brilliant book Make, Bake, Love, I've gone a bit baking mad. Not [...]

2012-05-11T13:46:03+00:00 May 11th, 2012|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

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