Where next for newly energised Mná na hÉireann?

One of the slogans adorning pro-repeal t shirts before the referendum was ‘In Awe of Mná’, and following the astonishing result of Friday’s referendum on the 8th amendment, it’s clear that slogan was prescient. Yes campaigners at the count in Cork city. Photo: Fiona Corcoran We are all in awe of mná. Politicians, particularly, [...]

The case of Charlie Gard: A tragic battle with no winners

The case of little Charlie Gard divided opinions right around the world, as the struggle between science and hope went all the way to Britain’s highest courts and to some of the world’s most powerful figures. Donald Trump intervened. So did the Pope. But in the end the only hope for this terribly ill little boy [...]

The NMH: it's not about money. It's about control.

It feels like not a week goes by without another GUBU moment in Irish public life. At this relatively early point in 2017, most of us already have news fatigue from what feels like a constant round of scandals, revelations and condemnations. For most of the past year I’ve been safely swaddled in the comfort blanket [...]

Tuam, the haves, and the have nots

In Rwanda in 2013, I walked among display cases full of skeletons, trying hard not to cry because it was not my tragedy. An atrocity like the Rwandan genocide diminishes each of us individually and as a part of humanity. But it was not my grief to own or display and I did not want to be [...]

It's good to talk, for Roses and politicians alike

https://www.facebook.com/suzybyrne1/posts/10154448262102953 It’s good to talk. So say all those mental health ads running on every TV and radio station, and it’s the accepted consensus about most things these days. Except abortion, that is. When someone does talk about abortion, it’s a channel-changer, an eye-averter, and the discussion is left to the extremes on both sides, [...]

Abortion: Lies, damned lies, and statistics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dSICoqnFGA When news broke last week that the number of Irish women having abortions in the UK had dropped considerably, responses were predictable. The anti-abortion groups were out quickly to welcome the news. The pro-choice campaign suggested austerity budgets were to blame, with fewer women financially able to travel abroad. Nobody would for a moment [...]

Celebrating women #IWD2016

My enthusiasm for women and feminism is lifted every year by the sense of solidarity on two dates - Women's Christmas, and International Women's Day. This year I spent Women's Christmas speaking with Cork Simon's Colette O'Brien and Karen Songhurst at the Cork Simon Women's Christmas Lunch. And in time-honoured tradition my mother and sister-in-law [...]

No Mater what…

This piece is from last week's Cork Independent and also appeared in the Herald - my thoughts on Fr Kevin Doran's 'ethos' comments in relation to the Mater and whether it will obey the provisions of the Protection of Life in Pregnancy Act. http://corkindependent.com/20130808/news/no-mater-what-S70357.html

2013-08-12T11:38:12+00:00 August 12th, 2013|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Making their voices heard – depression in pregnancy

The debate about the Protection of Life in Pregnancy Bill has been long, arduous, and bitter, but it seems set to pass through the Oireachtas before the summer recess. Part 2 (9) of the Bill, which covers cases in which the woman’s life is at risk due to suicide, has been the most controversial aspect, but [...]

Peter Mathews might be 'pro-life' but that doesn't mean he values yours

TV3 News (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I missed Vincent Browne last night and now I'm really, really happy about that. For the last three hours, I have been sitting here, trying to work, with my blood boiling, after reading his views on life and death as discussed on TV3 last night. Thanks to the good [...]

2013-04-30T15:25:44+00:00 April 30th, 2013|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , , |