I'm not leaving

2010-11-26T11:06:43+00:00 November 26th, 2010|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , |
Antique engraving of 'Emigrants leaving Ireland'

Image via Wikipedia

My latest piece on why I don’t intend to leave Ireland, is over at The Antiroom. It’s getting a lot of reaction, and I’ve just done an interview with Associated Press which will hopefully be featured in some of the international press next week – hopefully it will show people that there are still some of us here who want this country to succeed and won’t be pushed out by the failures that have caused this crisis. Check out #imnotleaving on Twitter to see the reaction.


Update: Monday, 29 November:

My post has made it to the website of Flemish newspaper De Standaard, thanks to Cork Independent reader Roos Demol, whose you can findhere.

Here‘s the post, for those of you who can read Flemish!

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