Employers abandoned duty of care during Storm Ophelia

The storm has passed. Sadly, three families have lost loved ones, but those of us who have survived unscathed can breathe a sigh of relief that we did. While relieved, though, many people are furious at the recklessness shown by employers towards the lives - the lives, not the wellbeing - of their staff. On Sunday [...]

Breast is best but we need more support

Photo: Virginia Thomas It’s National Breastfeeding Week, one of those annual public health campaigns that bypasses you completely unless it impacts you directly. I was all about breastfeeding, when I was pregnant. I did the prep course in my local hospital (in which the nurse told us dads might be able to light the [...]

One year on, and life will never be the same

Happy birthday to my son, Ferdia. It’s been one hell of a year since this little boy burst into the world in rather a rush, kicking and curious and ready for action. https://www.instagram.com/p/BZEw7MqB6Sn/?taken-by=deshocks My beautiful blond boy has turned me into the kind of mother I always laughed at. My husband says he knew almost [...]

2018-12-01T09:52:43+00:00 September 27th, 2017|Categories: Print|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Return from maternity leave: The new normal

Me on my first day back at work after maternity leave. There was a LOT of concealer involved.  Thousands of us do it every year and thousands more  have been here before us. We trudge, skip or sail back  into the office after between six and ten months at  home, learning how to cope [...]